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Industry Acronyms

  • American Institute of Architects (AIA) - is a professional association of architects whose main purpose is to promote the technical, professional, and esthetic skills of the architectural profession.

  • American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) -  is a balanced organization between manufacturers, users of general interest groups that write consensus standards for manufactured materials and their test procedures. This organization writes the performance code and properly characterizes the codes that architects, specifiers, and owners use when they select and call out various materials.

  • Chicago Marble and Granite Dealers Association- is the association for 6 counties for marble setter’s and finisher’s signatory employers 

  • District Council Training Center (DCTC) - is a cooperative effort of union and management that merged all bricklayer apprentice school funds to produce this state of the art training facility.

  • Great Lakes Cement Promotion Assoc. (GLCPA) - is a group of cement shipper manufacturers who ship cement products into the Illinois area who have banded together to promote various segments of the market.

  • Illinois Masonry Institute (IMI) - is the local labor/management cooperative effort to further the use of masonry.

  • International Council of Employers (ICE)- is the only wholly union internationally mason contractor’s Association, representing approximately 3,000 signing contractors.

  •  Mason Contractors Association of America (MCAA) - is a national association of mason contractors that represent the masonry industries interest on national legislative matters, encourage, advocate, and help to implement legislation.

  • Masonry Advisory Council (MAC) - is the umbrella group that provides the vehicle that all segments of the masonry industry can support for greater masonry usage.

  • Masonry Industry Advancement Fund (MIAF) - the purpose of this fund is to collect and disburse money to the association for their use in the promotion and advancement of the masonry industry. 

  • Mid America Regional Bargaining Association  (MARBA) - is the collective bargaining representative for various construction associations in the negotiation of labor contracts, which include bricklayers and laborers.

  • National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA) - is an association representing the national interests, legislative, and promotion activities of the concrete masonry industry.

  • Tuckpointing Contractors Association- is the local association for 6 counties for signatory tuckpointing contractors.

Mason Contractors Association of Greater Chicago

1440 Renaissance Drive Suite #340

Park Ridge, IL, 60068


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