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Mason Memo 12.28.22

Writer's picture: Ashley KellyAshley Kelly

Updated: Jan 24, 2023

New Years Holiday info:


Fri Dec. 30th-Straight time

Sat. Dec. 31st New Year’s Eve –time+ 1/2 day (or can be used as make up day if hours lost?)

Sun. Jan. 1st – New Year’s Day Double time day (with permission from the Unions)

Mon. Jan. 2nd – is a double time day, it will be celebrated as the holiday.

Be sure to call in your Sat. work. 630/666-0538 ..And the only way you can work Sunday or Monday is with the permission of the UNION and Double-Time.

Laborer’s mirror this. Laborers Sat Make up once a month

Bricklayer’s Language -


Where one of the foregoing holidays falls on Sunday, it shall be observed on the following Monday. If federal legislation establishes national observance of any of the foregoing holidays on a day other than the calendar day regularly observed

in the past or on a day which is substituted for such existing holiday, the nationally observed day shall be the holiday.


In weeks that have designated holidays that fall during the regular work week, but not more often than six (6) times per year, the Employer may schedule four (4) consecutive ten (10) hour work days at straight time. The Union and the

employees must be informed and the Union must give permission to the Employer in writing.

OSHA 10 hour Safety Training

Recently a Union Mason Contractor Member called looking for this training – we in the Chicagoland Area are very fortunate to have many resources in the event Union Trades People training is needed. Bricklayers , Laborer: , and the Chicagoland Construction Safety Council –

Sometimes we need more – they will all help but we need to make the class large enough to maximize

their efforts…. I have a contractor who needs to train 5 people. Anyone else need this training in our industry?

I can circle the wagons and get a teacher, and hopefully a classroom and get your people trained? Could use 10-12 more Union Tradespeople (“students”) that need this train let’s get a class…… any takers – call me Jim O’Connor at 847/ 824-0146

The 5 Minute Foreman with Mark Breslin

Thursday, February 9th, 2023 

11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Rivers Casino, Des Plaines, IL 

This course is designed to make an immediate impact on field operations. 

Based on the book, The Five-Minute Foreman; Mastering the People Side of

Construction, this leadership training program provides concrete lessons for field

leader improvement. Foremen will learn exactly what to do and say to get better

results from their crews, and on their projects. 

Seating is limited, register now!

Circle the Date – $110 Open Bar, Full Dinner and tons of fun!

MCAGC putting together another - BOCCE’ BALL Evening – at the private Bocce’ Club: MAZZINI VERDE CLUB. We have room for 80 people “back in the day” this was a sell out event. Bocce’, Dinner, Open Bar and just a lot of fun. Teams will be chosen and take your team to the “Winner’s Circle” and have a blast doing it. Thursday, February 16th , 2023 – 6 PM Team Prizes and Raffle.

Join us in Franklin Park, IL - Details to follow

Founded in 1933, the Mazzini-Verdi Club serves as a social, cultural and charitable outlet for its membership. The clubhouse at 9230 W. Belmont Ave., Franklin Park, has a full kitchen, banquet area, full bar, satellite television, a card room, three indoor bocce courts and ample free parking.

We will have 3 indoor courts – with “Bocce Officials” to coach, rule and score for your teams. Let’s get together, Out and About – again. We miss seeing you all and COVID has subsided – let’s find a fun way to celebrate and see your Masonry Colleagues. There are 3 courts so opportunities to SPONSOR the Court $100 each, Bar Sponsors available at $250.00….. full authentic Italian Meal, Wine on the table & smiles on the faces of all attendees. Open Bar should keep things lively and Contractors, Suppliers and Supporters we can’t wait to team you up with your friends and colleagues for a night of fun and laughter.

Bricklayers and Laborers are tough to get these days. Maybe use the Bricklayer
Share Program – help each other out… - You have gap in work, loan your
tradesmen & Woman/ to a Member Mason who needs them.

Bricklayer Share Program

A number of mason contractors are still pressed to finish projects. Manpower has begun to be a problem. Got brickies for 2 days, two weeks whatever we need’em call and we will place them for whatever duration you choose.



(847) 824-0146 fax (847) 297-8373

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Mason Contractors Association of Greater Chicago

1440 Renaissance Drive Suite #340

Park Ridge, IL, 60068


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